We offer free Icelandic lessons for foreigners from September through November and January through April.
Classes spring 2025 start on January 16th. Please read further for information on registration
Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30- 11:30
All groups start together at 9:30 and after coffee break we divide in smaller groups according to levels. Our main focus is on spoken language and we avoid using English when we teach.
This school year we are using the book „Íslenska fyrir alla“ (level A1and A2) we sell the book for 2700 ISK but if students can not pay they can talk to us and we will help with that. We want everyone to be able to get a book .
Level A1
Level A2
Children are always welcome to join their parents to all classes!
Unfortunately we are not able to offer child care at the moment but we provide toys and space for children to play so you are at all times welcome to bring your little ones with you to class.
Yes, its free!
The teaching is for free, but we happily welcome donations. The classes are funded mainly by gifts from groups and individuals.
Sign-up via email
For registration send an email to with:
Full name,
kennitala (if existing)
your mother tongue and nationality (as we have found out it helps a lot with the learning to have people in same group sharing culture and language we try our best to make that happen)
phone number
level of Icelandic
You are still welcome to join if you don´t have a kennitala (social security number) yet
Please write íslenskukennsla 2025 in subject
For further information on the classes send an e- mail to
Program for parents and children together
Learning Icelandic through music (Krílasálmar) – ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SPRING 2025
Mondays at 10:30- 11:30
This is a music course for families with young children. We do a routine of songs, dances and games which is an excellent way for foreign parents to learn and improve their Icelandic language skills and at the same time have a quality time with their little ones. We use a mixture of children songs about the body animals etc. and Sunday school songs. The class fits both Icelandic and foreign families and is also a good way to get to know families in a similar situation.
The class is free of charge
Teachers: Helga Vilborg Sigurjónsdóttir and Angela Joransen
For info and registration send an email to
About the teachers

Course coordinator is Helga Vilborg Sigurjónsdóttir (on a sick leave spring 2025) She has a B.ed in teaching with music as major wih many years of teaching experience. She also has a degree in singing and is an experienced choir director. She has served as missionary in Ethiopia for six years and has since 2019 worked full time for SÍK in Iceland.

This spring term the teacher is Sigríður Schram. She has a B.ed in teaching and has 30 years teaching experience. She has taught Icelandic as second language both for children and adults.
Other teachers in spring 2025: Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Jóhannsdóttir, Lilja Björk Jónsdóttir, Jósef Kristjánsson, Guðný Jónsdóttir, Elba Bára Nuñes, Guðný Jónsdóttir og Snorri Óskarsson.
Our location
We are located on Háaleitisbraut 58- 60, 3d floor, at a small shopping center called Miðbær. Our name is written on the building: Kristniboðssambandið
Upplýsingar á íslensku
Við bjóðum upp á ókeypis íslenskukennslu fyrir útlendinga frá september og út nóvember og á vorönn frá janúar og fram í apríl. Nýir nemendur eru velkomnir að bætast í hópinn hvenær sem er. Kennslan er tvisvar í viku á þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum. Við byrjum með 40 mínútna innlögn og eftir u.þ.b. 10- 15 mín frímínútur og söngstund skiptum við nemendum í hópa eftir getu og æfum okkur að tala.
Kennt er á þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum kl. 9:30- 11:30.
Börn eru alltaf velkomin með foreldrum sínum í tíma. Því miður getum við ekki boðið upp á pössun en við erum með leikföng og pláss fyrir börnin til að leika sér.
Kennslan er ókeypis en við erum alltaf glöð að taka á móti frjálsum framlögum. Kennslan er að mestu leyti fjármögnuð með gjöfum frá hópum og einstaklingum.
Til þess að skrá sig þarf að senda tölvupóst á netfangið með nafni, kennitölu (ef hún er til staðar) móðurmáli, þjóðerni og símanúmeri.
Nánari upplysingar veitir Sigríður Schram í netfangi